In God’s principle of receiving, there must be a word gone and there must be certain things put in place for God to come in.
When you’re outside of Gods terrain, no amount of principle will make it work.
When men are in distress, that’s when they are lost in the place of understanding.
A man of understanding is one who has been through troubles.
Any challenge you can handle won’t make you grow.
There are three things we require in life: KNOWLEDGE, COURAGE and GRACE.
KNOWLEDGE; (how-to and where-for) this kind of knowledge comes through being through troubles.
Envy is an emotion that’s in every living being, when you receive the gift the Holy Spirit, you begin to learn how to manifest in it.
There is no call that is terrestrial, every call is celestial.
We don’t do because we learn to do; we do because it has been given to us before time.
Doing things that men applaud is part of failing.